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TEXIMAGE display a LaTeX string as a bitmap image


function out=teximage(s,varargin)


TEXIMAGE display a LaTeX string as a bitmap image
  H = TEXIMAGE(S) creates an image of the LaTeX string S and
   displays it in the current figure. Click and drag to
   move the image and use the context menu to change properties.
   The image handle is returned in H, if specified. If S is a cell
   array of strings then each is made into a separate image and
   the resulting handles are returned as a vector. S can also be a
   symbolic expression (see SYM).

  H = TEXIMAGE(S,PARAM1,VALUE1,PARAM2,VALUE2,...) creates the image
   with options given by the parameter-value pairs. The argument S
   can be a string or the image handle H returned by a previous
   call to TEXIMAGE or a cell array of strings or vector of handles.
   The legal parameter strings and values are:

    'antialias'        one of the strings 'on' or 'off'
      antialiasing will produce more readable text on-screen
      but will sacrifice printout quality (default on)

    'convolution'      an integer
      the size of the convolution matrix for antialiasing (default 7)
      smaller numbers will result in sharper text

    'background'       a colorspec
      specifies the background color (default white) 
      background color 'none' means no background (requires OpenGL renderer)

    'scale'            a double
      multiplies the image size by specified scale (default 1)

    'resolution'       a double
      the font resolution to use (default 600)

    'displaymode'      one of the strings 'math', 'text' or 'none'
      specifies the TeX display mode to use (default 'math')
      The 'none' displaymode will put the string S directly into
      the TeX file without any surrounding $ or $$.

    'rotation'         a multiple of 90
      rotates the image counterclockwise in degrees (default 0)

    'position'         a 2 element vector 
      specifies the position of the center of the bitmap on the
      figure (default [.5 .5])

    'units'            an HG units string ('normalized','inches',...)
      specifies the units for the position property (default 'normalized')

    'parent'           a figure handle
      specifies the figure to use (default current figure)

  When the input S is a handle a new TeX string can be specified
  with the parameter 'texstring'. To get the current parameter
  value for a given handle call GETAPPDATA with the handle and
  the name of the parameter. eg,
    scale = getappdata(h,'scale');

  The default parameter values can be set in R12(or later) by calling 
  SETPREF. eg, 
  and in R11 by modifying STARTUP.M to call setappdata as follows:

  H = TEXIMAGE('-noHG',S,PARAM1,VALUE1,...) generates the bitmap
  but does not create an HG image object. The bitmap is return in
  H as a height x width x 3 matrix of doubles.

  Important note: LaTeX must be installed before running this
  function. To obtain a LaTeX distribution see your system 
  administrator or go to the web site http://www.tug.org
  This function was tested with MikTeX on PCs and Web2c7.2 on Unix.

   h = teximage('\dot{x} = \sqrt{x+1}','scale',2);
   h2 = teximage('\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} \left(1+\frac{1}{n}\right)^n')
   h3 = teximage('Math $x^2+1$ inline.','displaymode','none');

  See also: TEXT, SYM, LATEX


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